Mrs. Cook

Mrs. Cook

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Science Project.....


Next week the students will have a project for Science.  Each student will create a poster for the four seasons. They can make a collage, draw pictures, or print images online.  Students must also write (in their own handwriting) 3 facts about each season on their poster. All projects are due Monday, February 4.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

It's a new year....

What a great start to the new year.  All of the students came back to school ready to learn.  I am so excited to begin the 3rd nine weeks.  This nine weeks we are going to begin our new unit in math, measurement.  I plan to start the new unit next week and the students are going to love what all is in store for them.   We are going to do a lot of hands on activities where they will work with a partner or in groups measuring different objects.  In science we will begin our new unit on seasonal changes.  This week we are going to focus on what makes the weather change.  As always please make sure your student reads every night for 20 minutes.  Also remember to use Study Island and RAZ kids throughout the week.